Mom Photographs Angelic Anomaly Near Her Son

An intriguing photograph from a mother in Washington D.C. appears to show an angelic entity hovering near her son.

Natasha Rummelhoff took the photo while her family was gathered in their backyard for a campfire last month.

In the image, an odd anomaly that seems to sport a pair of wings can be seen only a few feet away from her son, Ryker.

Ironically, despite it's appearance, Rummelhoff says that she does not think it is an angel, because she does not believe in such entities.

However, she did speculate that perhaps it is the spirit of her late father, due to conversations she has had in the past with a psychic medium.

Provided the 'angel' is not merely a trick of light and shadow, the remarkable photo is only the latest in a series of strange events which have befallen her son.

According to Rummelhoff, the boy had previously been tormented by some kind of spirit which he called 'The Black' back when the family had lived overseas.

The encounters with this 'being' were so terrifying to Ryker that the family had to douse his bedroom with holy water in the hopes of dispelling the entity or, at least, convincing the boy it had been driven away.

For Ryker's sake, we hope that it really is an angel over his shoulder rather than the return of whatever haunted him in the past.

Coast Insiders can learn more about angelic encounters as well as demonic hauntings on the 9/14/2014 edition of C2C featuring demonologist Adam Blai.

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Source: Daily Mail