New Nessie Image Hailed as 'Best Ever'

An amateur photographer visiting Loch Ness has captured an incredible image that some have said is the most convincing Nessie picture ever!

A whisky warehouse worker by trade, Ian Bremner visited the legendary site in Scotland to snap a few photos of the area's natural beauty.

Similar to other Nessie 'sightings,' it was not until Bremner got home and looked closer at his photos that he spotted the incredible sight of three distinct humps emerging from the water.

"When I saw it on my screen I said 'what the hell is that?,'" he marveled to the website The Scotsman.

Normally a skeptic that the legendary creature exists, Bremner conceded, "I’m starting to think there is something out there."

Indeed, the remarkable photo constitutes one of the best Nessie images ever taken, provided its backstory is free of shenanigans.

While the photo may not depict a plesiosaur rising from the Loch, that ides was dismissed long ago by serious researchers and seems to now only serve as low-hanging fruit for skeptics.

It does, however, provide a possible tantalizing glimpse of just what Nessie may be, whether the creature turns out to be an eel or a group of seals.

Coast Insiders who want to learn more about the notorious Nessie can check out interviews with a number of researchers, including author Steve Alten, writer Lee Frank, and forensic artist Bill McDonald.

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Source: The Scotsman