New Tech Enables Better Spirit World Communication

An afterlife expert revealed how new developments in technology may assist in communicating with the dead.

Paranormal researcher Steve Huff told C2C that newly improved technology allows for an almost full conversation with the spirit world!

"As humans we have this desire to want to know about what happens when we die," Huff said. "Everybody is curious about what really happens when we die.

"And then the thing is no one knows – nobody is probably ever going to know the real story or the real details but in the last few years, it's been getting real, real interesting."

He attributes the breakthrough in spirit conversation recordings with the emergence of new technology that transcends traditional radio wavelengths.

"Today we can fire up any number of apps or software or physical boxes and record and get voices, phrases, sentences - you can almost have a conversation," he told C2C.

"It's amazing when you can ask a question and then get a reply to that question and not in some fuzzy garbled way."

These new devices, Huff claimed, are an improvement over older devices known as spirit boxes.

The spirit boxes scanned for etheric frequencies or Electronic Voice Phenomena along known transmittable wavelengths like "AM/FM and shortwave radio".

By tuning into these frequencies, "one would scan it really fast," he said.

"If you ask a question, then listen really closely you would be able to hear a quick answer."

But now, Huff explained, newly developed apps and software can scan wavelengths like the patterns like those found in internet radio so "you don't have the static of AM and FM which makes the replies much clearer."

Huff said he invented a device which he calls "The Portal".

"It consists of a mini-guitar amp and a couple of guitar effect pedals that somehow, someway enhance spirit communication."

"I'm not exactly sure of how it works or why it works but it definitely does something when you plug an app or a spirit box into it."

According to Huff, purported voices from beyond are now capable of answering clear, easy to understand and often lengthy responses to detailed queries. He said that he records these attempts at conversation.

Admittedly, Huff said, while we may never fully know the answers to what lies beyond death, he remains hopeful that spirits may help.

"They do provide us clues – which is pretty cool."

For the full interview with Steve Huff and to hear the audio tapes he recorded click here.

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