Odd Horned Fish Caught in Siberia

A Russian fisherman could not believe his eyes when he reeled in a pair of pike that sported strange horns on their head!

Alexey Volkov caught the creepy-looking creatures, which were jokingly dubbed dragons by fellow fishermen, at a river in Siberia last fall and revealed images of the odd pike this week.

Although he was warned that it might not be wise to eat the fish, Volkov apparently did just that and was reportedly no worse for wear after the weird meal.

Fortunately, he was so taken with the creatures' odd appearance that he saved their horned heads a macabre memento of sorts.

Residents who live near the river rightfully expressed concern that the unsettling appendages could have been caused by pollution either from rockets returning to Earth landing in the region or simply industrial waste.

Meanwhile, the area also boasts a something of a history of horned pike stories, suggesting that Volkov's catch was not the first of its kind.

That said, we wouldn't be surprised to find out that he was the first person daring enough to eat the horned fish.

Source: Siberian Times