Oil Painting: Remote Control Ghost

The artist Antonio Roybal writes:
12 years ago, it was the Ghost to Ghost programs that initially peaked my interest. As I remember Art was doing mostly political talk and it was a real treat when he delved into the paranormal. I myself have been drawing and painting phantasm pictures for as long as I can remember...
Remote Control Ghost (click on image for larger) is my attempt to show the spirit behind every creation. The boy is inspired by vintage toys symbolizing the classic journey of youth while the joystick symbolizes the computer age where man is the creator capable of good or evil. The white vastness is the ether or dreamworld where anything is possible. The little boy in a sense is remote viewing and controlling his own destiny. The playful ghost is either leading the boy or vice versa. Like Hal in 2001 A Space Odyssey, this painting illustrates the idea that human technology can be benign or malignant.
Antonio Roybal
Albuquerque, New Mexico

1. http://www.antonioroybal.com

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