Posh Apartments Put Pigeon Spikes on Trees to Protect Fancy Cars!

A high end apartment complex in England is under fire after installing pigeon spikes in its trees to protect tenants' expensive cars.

The bird-repelling barbs were affixed to a pair of trees at the front of the property, located in a wealthy neighborhood in the English city of Bristol.

As one can imagine, the unsightly addition to the neighborhood has generated quite a bit of controversy, since the purpose of the spikes is simply to keep birds from befouling fancy cars parked below.

One local politician conceded that the complex can legally install the spikes by virtue of their ownership of the trees, but decried the decision nonetheless.

"It looks awful," Paula O'Rourke lamented to the Independent, "and it's a shame to see trees being literally made uninhabitable to birds."

There is hope, however, that the spikes may be removed by way of the always-powerful force of public shaming as images of the now-gaudy trees have spread online and the story has been picked up by the media.

Considering that there's the chance that the controversial tree trimming will draw protests or, worse, vandals, residents may very well decide that they'd rather deal with bird droppings instead.

Source: The Independent