Ramtha Says

When J.Z. Knight goes into a deep trance state, she claims the powerful presence of Ramtha, the Enlightened One, comes through her to speak and interact with an audience. Here is a sampling of quotes culled from Ramtha's numerous books:

--I am saying to you, find that which is termed your own relationship with God, and in your own relationship with God you define that individually. Once that is defined, you will be the true and relevant student of this Great Work.
--Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom

Now the birthing of the soul can be as dramatic as the birthing of the body. The birthing of the soul has to break through the thick membrane of genetic heritage. It has to break through the thick neuronet programming that everyone calls attitude.
--Making Contact: Our Soul's Journey and Purpose Through Life

And the greatest crowning achievement of our life is to know this mystical medicine, and it begins with to love yourself. But if you do not understand love, what does the journey mean? We know that it involves you personally-not your mate, not your children, not your parents-that this message is a mystery, but it involves you, you, you.
--That Elixir Called Love

We rearrange the past every time we manifest, every time we manifest...So the study then of the Great Work is to manipulate reality and evolve it.
--A Master's Key for Manipulating Time

A shift in quantum state brings a parallel lifetime. The relationship to you and your environment is lifted...In the parallel existence our mind does not leave our body behind in the old state but rather that the body that can also live in parallel existences because it is made of quantum material, is now shifted into the new, the new hall, the new life and everything is different.
--Parallel Lifetimes

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