Remarkable Papal Relic Stolen from German Church

A prominent German cathedral has fallen victim to a bizarre and brazen crime as thieves have stolen a piece of cloth containing the blood of Pope John Paul II.

The strange caper occurred over the weekend when some nefarious ne'er-do-wells smashed a glass case containing the cloth and pilfered the prized papal relic.

As one can imagine, the cathedral is profoundly dismayed over the theft, noting its significant spiritual value and pleading with the thieves to return the cloth to its rightful home.

Along with the perpetrators, the motivation behind the crime remains a mystery although there are a few possible scenarios.

The most likely possibility is that the relic will wind up being sold on the black market and will probably fetch an incredibly high price given its rarity and historical significance.

For the thieves' sake, we hope the ill-gotten riches for the stolen cloth are worth whatever price they may have to pay for their misdeeds once their time on Earth has come to an end.

Source: NBC News