Security Guard Photographs Ghost at Historic Museum in Mexico?

An eerie photo circulating online seemingly shows a figure in the window of a museum in Mexico long after the building had closed for the night. The spooky picture, which was posted on social media earlier this week and can be seen below, was reportedly snapped by a security guard outside the historic Railway Museum in the city of San Luis Potosí. In the image, one can see what appears to be a woman dressed in black and looking out a window of the building that had closed to the public hours earlier.

As very often happens with potential ghost photos, the image quickly went viral in Mexico with some suggesting that the figure in the photo is a genuine ghost, while more skeptical observers argued that it is merely a clever hoax or perhaps a trick of light and shadow. Remarkably, the furor surrounding the picture managed to catch the attention of San Luis Potosí mayor Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, who marveled at the weird image on social media. What do you think the security guard filmed at the window of the museum? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.