Spooky CCTV Footage Unsettles Owner of 'Haunted' Tea Shop

The Rivington Village Green Tea Room, a charming café near Bolton, UK, has become a center of attention due to a series of mysterious incidents, the latest involving a flying milk jug caught on camera. Staff members, who suspect the café may be haunted, reported previous inexplicable occurrences, including sightings of a ghostly face and unexplained movements of objects. A psychic allegedly informed the owners and staff about a friendly ghost named Annabelle residing in the building. Co-owner Jade Tolen reviewed CCTV footage on her mobile phone, which reveals the milk jug's baffling movement off a tray. Despite attempts to rationalize the incident, such as checking for vibrations or external factors, the mysterious happenings continue to perplex and entertain those associated with the tea room.