Spotlight On: Hydrogen

Tonight's guest, Harry Braun, is an expert on renewable energy such as hydrogen. Fuel cells can be made to produce clean energy derived from hydrogen. But to use hydrogen on a widespread scale as a clean fuel and power source, the stumbling block has been how to find cost-effective methods. It's thought that as more advanced storage systems for hydrogen are developed, it could become cheaper and more readily available for usage.

Here are a few facts on hydrogen:

  • Hydrogen is the lightest of all the elements, and is composed simply of one proton and one electron.
  • The universe is made up of 90% hydrogen, with our sun's mass composed of 30% atomic hydrogen.
  • On Earth, hydrogen is most abundant in water. Under most conditions it's a colorless gas that is also odorless, tasteless, and non-poisonous.
  • Henry Cavendish, an English chemist and physicist is credited with discovering hydrogen in 1766, when he produced water from hydrogen and oxygen.

For further info check out these websites:

American Hydrogen Association
Hydrogen Information Network

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