Spotlight on: Mediums

Tonight's guest, Hans King, gleans knowledge from the Other Side through his mediumistic abilities. Mediums are "those who are able to tune into the faster vibration of the spirit body after death," writes James Van Praagh in his bestseller Talking to Heaven(1). This differentiates them from psychics, who don't necessarily have the ability to communicate with discarnate spirits. Another well-known medium, John Holland, refers to himself as a drawbridge: "I raise my energy, and the spirits lower theirs. A bridge is then built and using the power of love, we have a connection that flows, with feelings, words, and memories."

Mediumships fall into two categories: mental and physical. Mental mediums typically receive their communications telepathically, but among the forms physical mediumship can take are: rappings, levitation, apports (appearance of objects) and channeling. In the case of channeling the discarnate spirit will speak directly through the medium, often in a voice that is distinctly their own.

Mediums often work with spirit guides. These entities are generally always available to them, and can act as intermediaries between the medium and other spirits. Everyone is said to have their own spirit guides and Van Praagh suggests a couple of techniques for getting in touch with yours. One is through meditation, where you mentally ask for your teacher to be revealed in your mind's eye, and the other is by focusing on this request before going to sleep, so that this being will appear in your dream.



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