Spotlight on: Signs of Possession

Tonight's guest, Father Andrew Wingate, was acquainted with the late Jesuit priest (and beloved Coast guest) Malachi Martin. In fact he even assisted him on one of his exorcisms. The documented practice of exorcism dates back to the time of Jesus and was frequently mentioned in the New Testament.

In his fascinating book which explored the secretive world of exorcisms, Hostage to the Devil, Father Martin detailed some of the common traits of possession which church authorities use to verify a case. Here are some of them:

  • revulsion to religious symbols (such as the cross)
  • inexplicable stench
  • freezing temperature
  • telepathic powers
  • peculiarly unlined or smooth face/unusual distortion of face
  • "possessed gravity" i.e. victim becomes physically immovable or those around are weighed down with a suffocating pressure
  • levitation
  • violent smashing of furniture
  • constant opening of and slamming of doors
  • tearing of fabric near victim, without a hand being laid

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