Sudden Scalia Death Raises Suspicions

The sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Saturday has some conspiracy theorists wondering if the polarizing juror truly died of natural causes.

As the circumstances of his death reached the media, researchers began noting numerous suspicious details which, they believe, suggest that a conspiracy to eliminate Scalia may have been afoot.

While U.S. Marshals who investigated the scene determined that there was no foul play, one expert argued that these officials would not have had the training to make that determination, particularly if Scalia had been poisoned.

The fact that no autopsy was ordered by the justice of the peace and that Scalia's family also decided to forgo such an examination has conspiracy theorists crying foul and alleging that this is being done to cover something up.

Additionally, they point to conflicting reports over the exact nature of the heart issue which caused Scalia's death as possible evidence that the 'powers that be' are crafting a narrative which will be plausible to the public.

That Scalia opted not to have a security detail while in Texas is yet another worrisome element of the story cited by researchers.

And a news report which revealed that Scalia was found with a pillow over his head has further fueled skepticism surrounding his unexpected demise.

Unfortunately, history has shown that if the late Supreme Court Justice was murdered it is highly unlikely his assassins will pay for the crime.

Although further insight into Scalia's medical condition should help dispel suspicions surrounding his death, it is almost certain that the strange demise of such a powerful figure in American politics will forever have a place in conspiracy lore regardless of any new information which may come to light.

Source: Washington Post