The End is Near for 'UFO House'

A rather curious residence in the Florida Keys may soon be merely a memory as the Islamorada 'UFO House' is set to be demolished.

The flying saucer-like home was constructed in the 1970's by a Miami architect who built a handful of the buildings throughout the United States.

Similar to the 'Futuro Houses' from the 1960's, the homes harken back to a time when American were enchanted with space and the idea of what life in the future might look like.

However modern times have not been as kind to some of these residences as prospective homeowners have shied away from wanting to live inside the circular buildings, leaving many of them abandoned.

Such is the case with one such home in Islamorada, Florida, where paperwork was recently issued to demolish the structure.

Sitting empty in a residential neighborhood, the 'UFO House' has been struck by vandals on several occasions and is surrounded by overgrown vegetation.

As one can imagine, members of the community which serves as a home to the 'UFO House' are happy to hear that their 'close encounter' will be coming to an end.

One resident told the Keys News that "it brings a lot of unwanted attention, which usually involves trespassing, and quite frankly it's just a nuisance."

While some may decry the destruction of the unique home, they also don't have to live next to the 'UFO House' and see the decrepit building every time they look out the window.

And so we can understand the neighbors' enthusiasm about letting the 'glimpse into the future' be relegated to the past and freeing their community from the eyesore it had become.

Source: Keys News