The Reptilian Connection

Tonight's guest David Icke wrote in his book Children of the Matrix(1) that interbreeding between humans and a Reptilian race began "hundreds of thousands of years ago," and continues today. He believes that 13 family bloodlines containing this hybrid DNA make up members of the Illuminati, a secretive cabal "that are orchestrating an agenda to take over the planet."

In the article The Reptilians:(2) Why They Are Obsessed with Bloodline and Ritual, Icke says he has culled some of his information about the reptilians from a "channel/medium" in England which confirms his own research. "The reptilians and other manipulating entities exist just outside the frequency range of our physical senses. Their own physical form has broken down and they can no longer re-produce. Thus they have sought to infiltrate human form and so use that to exist and control in this dimension," he writes.

Reports of the reptilian form have increased over the years in alien abduction studies, and by some estimates now account for 10% of the beings that experiencers encounter. Jazz singer Pamela Stonebrooke's vivid account of her contact and sexual experiences with a reptilian has been extensively publicized. Click here(3) to view a drawing of this being. Also of interest is a drawing by paleontologist Dale Russell who in 1982 postulated what an intelligent dinosaur might look like if they had continued to evolve.



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