Transcript Excerpts: Glynis McCants

Our special guest in Streamlink's live chat was numerologist Glynis McCants, who provided personal readings and insights into the meaning of numbers. Excerpts below:


Glynis, my name is Kathleen and my birthday is 4/1/1954. I have had many changes in the past few years concerning my lifestyle. Lots of chaos and serious injuries for myself and other members of my family have required me to change even my most basic surroundings. Will this soon change?

Glynis McCants

Kathleen, you need to learn to never ask the universe "what else could possibly go wrong?" Because there will always be an answer! A 6 lifepath does better at damage control. They don't know what to do with themselves when their life is going smoothly.

Glynis McCants

The next time you have a good moment you need to say out loud "it's going good and I deserve it!" Then this negative karma will start to burn away from your life. I would suggest you also do the affirmation "I love and approve of myself." Do this 15 minutes a day and your life will begin to transform itself.

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Glynis: What is the significance of 6 6 6?

Glynis McCants

666 is highly overrated. It actually breaks down to a 9 which is the highest number in numerology. The problem with 666 is the belief that is attached to it. People that are satanic worshipers really rely on that number, so that is why it is best to stay away from it, esp. as a home address. Otherwise remember, Satan was once an angel, and then he fell.

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Josh 9/12/1979: Getting straight to the number 8: I have placed the number in my wallet and occasionally use your affirmation as well and have had a lot of success with it. My Question to you is this: Is the 8 working for me, or am I working for the 8?

Glynis McCants

Let us all be clear about the number 8. The number 8 itself is the number that encourages financial security. Remember folks, this science is 2500 years old, I did not make it up.

Glynis McCants

I have received several hundred emails from Coast to Coast listeners telling me of their financial success, by putting the number 8 in their wallet. Every so often I get a depressed letter of someone who feels it is not working for them.

Glynis McCants

THIS IS WHERE YOUR MIND COMES IN. if you do not believe something is possible, you GET TO BE RIGHT!! So what do you do if your mind is preventing you from financial prosperity? You do the following affirmation: "I believe in infinite abundance and the money is always here." or "I pay my bills with ease and I always have extra money." 15 minutes a day - repeat it over and over again. AND YOU WILL GET YOUR MIND IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE 8 IN YOUR WALLET. :-)


DOB: 10/21/1978 Name: Rick Will I ever break Vegas?

Glynis McCants

Rick, here's a thought for you. Las Vegas breaks down to a 5, which is the number for the gambler. No accident, if you ask me.

Glynis McCants

However, you are a 2 lifepath and the 5 is the most toxic number to your lifepath #2. So you ask me, can I break Vegas? I think not grasshopper. I think you might want to hit an Indian Reservation, or Atlantic City and stay out of Las Vegas.

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