Two Creature Photos

We received two different photos of Bigfoot-like creatures. The first (pictured above) is known as the Beast of Chutes. It comes from Rob Gaudet, who said he was authorized by the photographer, a French Canadian man named Lary, to share the image with us. On June 1st 2005, Lary was sightseeing at a place called Parc des 7 Chutes which is near Saint-Georges de Beauce, Quebec, it was about 90 degrees that day. He did not notice the creature while walking around the park taking pictures.

The second, titled Shepard of the Forest, comes from Rainbow Man ( He writes: "I can reveal nothing of the location, time, nothing. I am only to show you this image I took of it. These are the Watchers & are sacred to my people. You know them as Sasquatch or Devils of the wood."

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