UFO Buzzes South African Airliner

In a strange incident on Monday night, the crew of an airliner flying over South Africa reportedly encountered a UFO which buzzed the plane's cockpit.

The pilot and co-pilot of a Boeing 737 contacted Air Traffic Control after they observed a mysterious green object flying past the plane and upwards into the clouds, before returning to Earth at an incredible speed.

The incident was so anomalous that the ATC turned to South Africa's National Sea Rescue Institute and asked them to investigate the situation.

However, there were no further sightings of the object nor any indication of what it might have been.

In a surprising bit of transparency, the agency actually issued a statement about the UFO, acknowledging that the incident took place, but that they could not determine what exactly had happened.

And, with words that may be all too familiar to anyone who has examined the UFO enigma, the NSRI concluded that "the incident remains a mystery."

The worrisome near miss follows a similar event last month when a plane flying towards Toronto was forced to suddenly alter its flight path to avoid a UFO.

Given their past history of purported flying saucer crashes, perhaps it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that aliens appear to be terrible pilots.

Source: Times Live