Underground Liquid 'Lake' Discovered on Mars

In what may be a monumental step towards finding life on Mars, astronomers say that they have spotted a large reservoir of liquid water beneath the surface of the Red Planet. The landmark discovery was made by a team of researchers at the Italian Space Agency who announced their findings at a press conference today. The proverbial 'lake,' which measures 12 miles long and at least three feet deep, is buried beneath a one-mile-thick layer of ice at the Martian south pole.

Astronomers were able to find the lake by using an instrument known as the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) which is part of the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter. Over the course of three years, researchers probed the south pole of the planet using the radar and were ultimately able to discern a unique area which bore an uncanny resemblance to subsurface lakes found here on Earth. Although scientists cautioned that the results of the study need to be confirmed, the team behind the study expressed certainty about their conclusions. "Water is there. We have no more doubt," declared one of the researchers at Wednesday's press conference.

The discovery has sparked the imagination of many who wonder if, perhaps, there could be something swimming in the water. However, the astronomers say that the newfound 'lake' is incredibly cold and is likely being kept from freezing by salt and minerals contained in the water. Nonetheless, considering that creatures has been found in all manner of areas which boast exotic and harsh conditions here on our planet, it would not be altogether surprising if life somehow found a way to emerge in the underground water of Mars as well.