Urban Explorer Encounters Unsettling Sets of Glowing Eyes Lurking in Tunnel System

A nightmarish piece of footage circulating online purportedly shows the glowing eyes of two mysterious creatures that emerged from the darkness to watch the possibly unwanted visitor. The unsettling video, the 'highlights' of which can be seen here, was posted on YouTube last week by urban explorer 'Urbex Hill,' who documents his visits to abandoned locations throughout Ohio. In this particular instance, the young man ventured to an undisclosed tunnel system "hidden deep within the forest" and, according to him, "traversed more than 10 miles" within the labyrinthine subterranean world when he experienced the truly haunting encounter.

In the video, as the urban explorer walks through a long tunnel with water flowing through it, he suddenly sees a pair of glowing eyes peer out from around a corner ahead of him. The weird watcher only appears for a brief second before ducking back behind a wall and then it seemingly takes a second look at the man behind the camera. Moments later, a second set of glowing eyes pop out from the hiding place and linger in the middle of the tunnel before possibly being pulled out of view. When the urban explorer bravely continued towards the two mysterious 'strangers,' he finds that there is nothing there when he turns the corner.

While the urban explorer describes the oddities as 'creatures,' their exact nature is, of course, a mystery. Some viewers have suggested that the young man encountered other people in the tunnel, which would make their silence in the moment rather ominous. Others have argued that perhaps he ran into some kind of entity or cryptid that resides in such a location where being found by a human is unlikely, while more skeptical individuals have posited that the eyes are simply a computer generated effect aimed at adding to some excitement to the video. With that in mind, what's your take on the spooky scene? Check out the video and share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.