Vaccination Hazards

Tonight's guest Joyce Riley has called attention to the dangers of vaccines. In an article posted on her website, Vexing over Vaccines, (1) Dr. Alan Cantwell Jr. points to a number of alarming issues surrounding their usage. He also details information about the production of vaccines that many people may not be aware of. For instance, in order to develop vaccines, the strains are often grown on animal parts like monkey kidneys and chicken embryos or human cell lines derived from cancer cells.This can potentially lead to contamination and/or the introduction of animal viruses into the human population.

In fact many believe that the AIDS virus may have been brought into the gay community by an experimental hepatitis B vaccine that was widely targeted to men in that group in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York from 1978-1981. It has also been posited that HIV in Africa originated from a polio vaccine that was contaminated with chimp and monkey viruses.

While the debate over the cause of Gulf War Syndrome goes on, researchers Dr. Garth Nicolson and Nancy Nicolson have suggested a bacterial microbe or mycoplasma may be to blame. Some suspect the microbe may have entered soldier's systems via an experimental Anthrax vaccine. Disturbingly, the Nicolson's research showed that HIV was attached to this mycoplasma. "This microbe could never have occurred naturally. On the contrary, the composition of the microbe suggests a man-made and genetically-engineered biological warfare agent," writes Cantwell in his article.

--L.L. (2)


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