Van Praagh's Spirit Guides

In his book, Talking to Heaven, James Van Praagh writes about spirit guides that sometimes come through when he is giving readings or in a trance state. He considers these spirits to be the same as guardian angels, and describes two types: "personal guides"-people known in earlier incarnations, and "mastery" guides-- spirits that have expertise in a particular area. Here are some of Van Praagh's guides:

  • Master Chang -appearing as a Chinese man circa the early 1900's, with a bald head and goatee, he is "surrounded by gold light of the highest spiritual realm."
  • Harry Aldritch -An authoritative English doctor, who died in the 1930's-- he helps to identify physical ailments of Van Praagh's clients.
  • Golden Feather -A North American Indian who shares messages of brotherhood.
  • Sister Theresa -A nun with "brilliant blue eyes" who works with Van Praagh to teach compassion.

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