Video: 5 Solved Mysteries

As Coast fans are well aware, there's no shortage of unsolved mysteries in this world, but on a handful of occasions, we've been fortunate enough to find out the answers to some of these vexing questions.

YouTube user Top5s has compiled an enlightening collection of cases that once baffled researchers, but have since been explained.

One memorable story featured in the video is that of a notorious figure from JFK assassination lore known as the 'Umbrella Man.'

Spotted in photos and videos from the Dealey Plaza on the fateful day of Kennedy's death, this individual caught the attention of researchers for his inexplicable possession and use of an umbrella during that sunny day.

Students of the assassination speculated that 'Umbrella Man,' as he came to be known, may have played a role in the conspiracy either acting as a signal to the shooters or that his umbrella was a clandestine weapon of some kind.

The subject of considerable conjecture and debate for 15 years, the 'Umbrella Man' was finally unmasked when Louie Steven Witt identified himself as the person in question after the House Select Committee on Assassinations called on the public for answers to the mystery.

Witt claimed that he was unaware of the furor surrounding his front row seat to history and explained that his possession of the umbrella was meant as a symbolic gesture of protest against Kennedy's father appeasing Hitler during World War II.

A subsequent investigation concluded that Witt had no role in the assassination of JFK and the 'Umbrella Man' became the answer to a trivia question rather than a sinister conspirator.

Check out the complete video for more fascinating cases that should give hope to every paranormal enthusiast who has wished for an answer to their favorite mystery.

Source: YouTube

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