Video: Anonymous Claims NASA Will Announce ET Discovery Soon

A group purportedly affiliated with the hacktivist collective known as 'Anonymous' claims that NASA will soon announce the discovery of intelligent alien life, but not everyone is convinced of the video's veracity.

In the video, which was posted last week and has already garnered over a million viewers, the group's trademark figure, an individual wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and speaking with a distorted voice, details why they believe that ET disclosure is imminent.

However, a close examination of the information contained in the video should cause skeptical viewers to temper their expectations for any impending alien revelations.

It appears that the centerpiece of the video is a statement made by a NASA scientist during a Congressional hearing back in April of 2016.

At that event, Thomas Zurbuchen told the House Science and Space Committee that with all of this activity related to the search for life, in so many different areas, we are on the verge of one of the most profound discoveries, ever."

Unfortunately, the scientist also stressed to the committee during that same hearing that NASA has not "found definitive signs of life elsewhere just yet."

As one might expect, that portion of Zurbuchen's testimony was not included in the video, which goes on to include as addition 'evidence' various quotes from scientists who intimate that there is intelligent alien life 'out there.'

Nonetheless, the video has generated a considerable amount of interest online and even prompted Zurbuchen himself to respond to his testimony being used as the catalyst for the video.

In a tweet posted on Monday morning, the scientist rather definitively said that "contrary to some reports, there’s no pending announcement from NASA regarding extraterrestrial life."

Of course, one might expect such a response if the space agency is covering up 'the truth' until the ideal time to reveal it to the public.

That said, another issue noted by skeptical viewers is that the video did not come from the official Anonymous YouTube account and, instead, emanated from a different channel altogether.

This had led some to conclude that the creators of the video are simply copying the Anonymous style of presentation and not, in fact, the hacktivist collective themselves.

And, finally, the footage presents no new evidence that NASA has uncovered something Earth-shattering which Anonymous has somehow obtained.

Taking all of these factors into consideration, it would appear that the video is yet another tease for ET disclosure that, sadly, will not come to fruition.

Source: The Independent