Video: Pet Squirrel Foils Robbery

An Idaho man's pet squirrel is being called a hero after it turned into a proverbial guard dog and thwarted at robbery at his home.

The remarkable rodent's owner, Adam Pearl, says that he returned home earlier this week and noticed strange footprints in the snow outside his house.

Upon entering, Pearl realized that his home had been robbed and quickly called the police.

Officers later apprehended the burglar, who sported a number of scratches on his face.

When they questioned him about the injuries, the ne'er-do-well revealed that they had come from Pearl's pet squirrel named Joey.

The foiled robber told cops that the feisty creature had attacked him and would not stop biting him until he eventually gave up on the heist and ran away!

One would assume that the strange affair should give Pearl some ammunition next time someone says having a pet squirrel is nuts.

Source: KIVI Idaho