Video: Sewer Gator Surprises Man at Mailbox

A Florida man going to get his mail made an unusual and terrifying discovery when he spotted an alligator lurking in a storm drain near his feet!

Louis Camacho first noticed that something odd was afoot when he felt tremors beneath his feet as he walked to his mailbox.

Despite thinking that it was an earthquake, Camacho continued towards the street, but was stopped in his tracks by a loud hissing sound emanating from a nearby storm drain.

No longer thinking about his mail, the man bravely peered into the abyss and saw the gaping maw of an ostensibly ornery alligator.

Of course, rather than run in terror, Camacho had a more modern response as he pulled out his camera and started filming the strange scene.

Watching the creature through the screen of his phone, Camacho mused "just when you thought you've seen everything."

The observation turned out to be particularly ironic for Camacho, since he later encountered a 300-pound bear that was also roaming around on his property.

Although he told a local news station that he loves the diverse wildlife that keeps appearing near his home, Camacho's mailman may have a differing opinion.

Source: WFTV Orlando