Video: Swarm of LED Drones Perform at Mt. Fuji

Using the iconic Mount Fuji as a backdrop, a Japanese ad company has produced a breathtaking video showcasing its LED drones performing a luminous 'dance.'

The twenty colorful UAVs, dubbed 'Sky Magic,' fly in a synchronized formation accompanied by the sound of performers playing traditional Japanese guitars.

Together, the entire production takes on a mesmerizing quality as the drones' flying formations combine with the music as Mt. Fuji looms in the background.

In another era, the scene might have conjured thoughts of an invading UFO armada or elemental entities luring observers to their doom, but today it is merely a testament to the wonders made possible by modern technology.

To that end, the video represents yet another sign that the line between 'ours' and 'theirs' may have become impossible to dinstinguish when we something truly magical appearing in the sky.

Source: RT