Video: Woman Gets 'Possessed' on Nicaraguan TV

An already strange television news report on an exorcism in Nicaragua took an even more bizarre turn when a woman interviewed for the segment suddenly also became possessed!

The unsettling scene occurred during a visit from the news station to the home of a woman who had grown increasingly aggressive over the last three months allegedly due to 'evil spirits.'

In an effort to help the potentially possessed woman, two Christian priests visited her and attempted to thwart the demons with their prayers.

The quasi exorcism seemed to work as the woman reportedly began acting much calmer after their visit.

However, a subsequent strange event during the segment suggests that the demons may not have been entirely banished.

As reporters were interviewing the woman's neighbors, one of them suddenly fell the ground and began convulsing as if the nefarious forces had now entered her body.

The helpful priests, in turn, began praying for that woman and eventually took her to a nearby church for additional spiritual aid.

According to the news report, this particular area of Nicaragua has seen a spate of possessions due to residents practicing the occult.

And, as if this story could not get any weirder, neighbors of the first possessed woman claimed that her house was often visited by a large toad, which they believed to be some kind of harbinger for the evil spirits.

Hopefully a follow-up segment from the TV station will let us know what became of the suspicious toad.

Source: Mirror