Visitors: All Shapes & Sizes

Riley Martin documents his long standing relationship with aliens in his book "The Coming of Tan." In it, he describes his experiences with telepathic entities named the "Biaviians" who are around 4-ft. tall with large heads, long arms and delicate 4-fingered hands.

While the "grey" aliens with their egg-shaped heads and spindly bodies are the type most often described in recent times, reports of visitors have come in all shapes and sizes over the years. Here is a sampling of descriptions that were made in the context of UFO sightings:

  • Pascagoula, Miss.-- 1973, 5-ft. tall robotic entities with wrinkled gray skin. Reportedly their arms ended in claws, their legs appeared to be merged together and they made a buzzing noise.
  • Voronezh, Russia-- 1989, 10-ft tall creature with no neck and three eyes. The center eye higher than the other two was said to glow red and may have been a lighting source.
  • Aveley, England-- 1974, Hairy humanoid about 4-ft. tall that was covered with brown hair over its face and hands. The creature had triangular eyes, a brown-beaked nose and a slit for a mouth.
  • Belgrave, Australia-- 1993, 7-ft. tall black creatures with thin arms. Their glowing red eyes were said to resemble those of flies.
  • Marzano, Italy-- 1978, 10-ft. tall being coated with greenish hair. It had pointed ears and two triangular eyes.
  • Hopkinsville, Kentucky-- 1955, Small 3.5-ft. tall creatures with talon-like hands. Their eyes glowed yellow, their bodies appeared luminescent silver.


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