Washington State Wants a Piece of the Bigfoot Pie

Already largely synonymous with the legendary Bigfoot, one politician in Washington state is looking to take that association one giant step further.

State senator Ann Rivers has introduced a bill in the Washington legislature that would name Sasquatch as the state's "official cryptid."

According to the proposal, the reasoning for the rather odd honor is because "Sasquatch has made immeasurable contributions to Washington state's cultural heritage and ecosystem."

While one might suspect that the idea for the bill came lobbyists looking to strengthen the creature's grasp on the Washington tourism industry, it is actually not the handiwork of a proverbial 'Big Bigfoot.'

In fact, Rivers revealed, the proposal was inspired by a letter she received from one of her constituents who happens to be in the second grade.

The state senator commended the young boy for penning a thoughtful missive which explained why Bigfoot deserved the honor as well as his rather remarkable reason for making it happen soon.

As Rivers explained, "we need to act on this before Oregon does."

Unless their neighbor to the south quickly passes some emergency legislation, it would appear that Washington will win the Pacific Northwest war for Bigfoot claiming rights sometime this year.

And, for those keeping score at home, this now makes three state legislatures currently concerned, in some form or fashion, with Bigfoot, suggesting that the iconic cryptid has an amazing publicist.

Source: The Columbian