'WTF' Mystery Space Object On Collision Course With Earth

A space object of unknown origin named "WTF" is on a collision course with Earth.

A piece of orbital debris – or "space junk" - will come careening down from outer space next month and even NASA isn't exactly sure what it is.

On November 12, 2015, the object, code-named WTF1190F, is expected to descend into the Indian Ocean, forty miles off the shores of Sri Lanka, the MailOnline reported.

Astronomer Bill Gray from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory told Nature that the seven foot long object was traveling in an elliptical orbit which is twice as long at the distance between the Earth and its satellite, the Moon, and has been tracked by NASA since 2012.

But now, something suddenly has altered its position in far orbit and WTF11905 is being quickly drawn downward by Earth’s gravity.

Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, surmised that WTF1190F may be "a lost piece of space history that’s come back to haunt us" – quite possibly the remains of a booster from one of the Apollo missions.

It is unclear at this juncture exactly how many objects are circling the globe since NASA's current tracking system only monitors objects like old satellites in low orbit.

Researchers says it gives them a rare opportunity to track an unguided object's downward trajectory from the high frontier to the watery depths.

The majority of WTF11905 will burn up much like a meteor upon entry into the Earth's atmosphere, astronomers concur.

“I would not necessarily want to be going fishing directly underneath it," JPL astronomer Gray remarked.

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