Daniel Thomas McAneny

For over 30 years, Daniel Thomas McAneny has had an intense interest in afterlife communication. As a result of what he learned, he came to feel a lot better about himself, the life he's living, the world we're in, where we're going and why. Those beliefs helped improve his life in many ways, prompting him to share them in his book, You're Bigger than Death...and Life Too . Thomas has been busy in his own life as well. Since 1987 he has worked one-on-one with over 1600 people on disability, who want to start a business or get a job. They inspired him to write a book that many readers said changed their lives. Before starting his own company he held jobs in sales, banking, advertising, manufacturing and consulting.


Past Shows:

  • Afterlife Messages

    Daniel Thomas McAneny, the author of You're Bigger than Death and Life Too, shared fascinating details on the afterlife and the "big picture," as Barbara's guest on the Sunday program.More »