Gerald Pitts

Gerald Pitts, President and Founder of RWMP is a native Oregonian. The oldest of three children he grew up with the old fashion values of the 50's. He served his country in the debatable Vietnam War as a National Guardsman. A graduate of Western College of Auctioneering in Billings, Montana, he has published Rodeos West Newspaper, a free publication about local rodeos and local newsworthy cattle auctions and events for well over twenty years. Adding to his list of accomplishments, Gerald is also a studio portrait photographer and motion picture cinematographer. In 1998, he claims to have discovered and befriended Jim Morrison, former lead singer for the Doors. He claims Morrison is alive and well and living as a cowboy in Pacific Northwest and has produced a video about this remarkable story.


Past Shows:

  • Manic America

    During the middle 2 hours, Director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, Peter Whybrow, M.D., explored what he calls the "American Mania" syndrome. Americans, he said, are particularly predisposed to being stressed out, overworked and manic. They push themselves to the...More »