Drew Zahn

Drew Zahn is a reporter, movie critic and one of the news editors at WND.com, one of the nation’s oldest, largest independent online news source. A graduate of Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota, Drew Zahn is a former pastor who cut his editing teeth as a member of the award-winning staff of Leadership, Christianity Today's professional journal for church leaders. He is the editor of seven books, including "Movie-Based Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching," which sparked his ongoing love affair with film and his weekly WND column, "Popcorn and a (world) view."


Past Shows:

  • Physics Breakthroughs

    Theoretical physicist at Cal Tech, Sean Carroll, discussed why he believes the discovery of the Higgs boson is perhaps the greatest breakthrough in our understanding of the universe since the splitting of the atom, and how it is launching particle physics on a new era of...More »

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