OBE Research


Hosted byGeorge Noory

OBE expert William Buhlman shared the latest developments in OBE research, culled from over 16,000 survey responses and personal experiences, as well as techniques to self-initiate Out-of-Body Experiences.

To help induce OBEs, Buhlman suggested saying an affirmation ("Now I separate from my body" or "Now I'm out of body") just before going to sleep. Another technique he discussed involves visually imagining and touching distant objects. Buhlman said these methods should be practiced 20 minutes each night for 30 to 60 days. Eventually, one will be able to enter the vibrational frequency associated with OBEs.

Buhlman believes we inhabit a "multi-dimensional universe" in which several dimensions of different vibrational states co-exist, forming the underpinnings of the material world. According to Buhlman, visiting these "astral planes" via OBEs not only affords people the opportunity to create their own physical reality, but provides convincing evidence of existence beyond death.

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