Ghost to Ghost 2005


Hosted byArt Bell

Art Bell returned live to host his annual Ghost-to-Ghost Show, featuring tales of hauntings and spirits, that raise the question-- does something survive death?

A number of stories featured phenomena involving children. Michael from Vancouver told of hearing children's laughter after lathering his hair with shampoo in the shower. As the laughter grew in intensity, he began singing until he could get rinsed off. Peggy from Rochester lived in a home where children were murdered. She reported a burglar alarm repeatedly going off, unexplained children's whispering, and ice-cold temperatures.

Debbie from Oregon told of a shape-shifting creature off her porch--- it initially appeared as small and round, without legs, and having long brown hair. It waddled and then started to grow legs as it went down the driveway. Its hair shortened and it made hoof prints.

Murray from Portland shared a bizarre incident from 1988, where he and a group of friends encountered a collage of entities. It began with unusual voices coming from the TV, after the station had gone off the air. From there, a transparent lady made out of "black smoke" entered the room. Scenes of children playing jacks also appeared, and eventually an angry man ran in from the kitchen trying to attack him, but was unable to because it was though he was in another dimension.

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