Reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe


Hosted byGeorge Noory

During the first half of the show, psychiatrist Dr. Adrian Finkelstein and pop singer Sherrie Lea Laird discussed their belief that Laird is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe.

Finkelstein said he became convinced Laird once existed as Monroe after witnessing "lots of signs," including biometric similarities (face, bone structure), handwriting, personality quirks and voice patterns. He was also impressed with how much Laird seemed to know about Monroe's life when under 'somnambulistic' hypnosis.

Laird, who claims to have been tormented since childhood with disturbing flashbacks, shared what she learned under hypnosis about her past life as Monroe. Laird described Monroe's love/hate relationship with John F. Kennedy, her feelings for Bobby Kennedy as well as detailed the tragic suicide of the iconic actress.

George offered Open Lines with a special 'reincarnation hotline' for the final two hours of the program.

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