Terrorism Threats


Hosted byGeorge Noory

During the middle two hours, President of the news site, America's Truth Forum, Jeffrey Epstein discussed his research into domestic terrorism threats and al-Qaeda's nuclear intentions. According to his sources, nuclear material may already be in terrorists' hands on the West Coast. Further, he warned that 'suitcase nukes' are a definite reality and that such weapons were first devised back in 1960.

Epstein said he sees North Korea as less of a threat than Iran, because they are not being driven by the type of ideology that could lead to a nuclear attack done in the name of religion. "We're in the middle of World War III right now," it's been declared against us, and there's been over 6,000 radical Islamic attacks since 9-11, he commented.

The last hour was devoted to Open Lines in which callers were given the opportunity to "vent" on issues.

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