Ghosts & Hauntings


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Paranormal investigator and researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley spoke about haunting phenomena, the new edition of The Encyclopedia of Ghosts & Spirits, and her studies of dreaming. She also discussed her recent work with 'Frank's Box,' a device that purports to offer communication with the other side. The box creates a noise matrix that can superimpose or grab words, and produced a number of "unexplained" results, said Guiley. Some communications that came through identified themselves as a kind of group or aggregate consciousness, she noted.

There are a range of beings that can be associated with hauntings. In between repetitive imprints and intelligent ghosts, are "shells"-- parts of the deceased left behind that may have some degree of interactivity, she detailed. Certain structures may be more conducive to a haunting such as a home made of stone (with a high quartz content) or Victorian architecture. Ghostly activity may also involve a bending of time/space, and portals could exist that allow entities or phenomena to enter, she said.

Guiley talked about some of America's most haunted places. Reports from Alcatraz include voices, apparitions, screaming sounds, physical sensations and phantom music. Hauntings often occur at sites where tragedy or intense negative emotions have played out, such as the Gettysburg battlefield. Human interaction and projection also play a role in the perception of ghostly phenomena, she pointed out.

Hurricane Modification

First hour guest, climate expert Randall Cerveny reacted to a news story about potential methods to modify hurricanes. He expressed caution over the usage of such techniques, noting that by decreasing hurricanes in one area, it could increase drought in another area. A member of the World Meteorological Organization, Cerveny announced the launching of their online archive of Global Weather & Climate Extremes.

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