Art Bell Vault: Creatures

We're excited to launch our newest feature for Coast Insiders: The Art Bell Vault. This ongoing curated collection features two vintage shows added to the collection each week. This week, we're on the hunt for mysterious creatures beginning with an episode from May 8, 1996, which was shortly after a series of chupacabras reports had captivated the island of Puerto Rico and sparked worldwide headlines that led to the mysterious beast becoming the proverbial household name that it is today. During the program, Art spoke with Hector "Tito" Armstrong, who had been documenting sightings of the creature. Mark Huntsinger of MUFON Florida also joined the show to discuss how there may be a connection between the chupacabras and UFOs.

Our second show added to the collection this week is a riveting edition of the program from 12/11/2001 wherein Art interviewed Bigfoot researcher Robert Morgan, who recalled having a face to face encounter with a Sasquatch that he said resembled a "giant gorilla" and how the experience inspired him to launch an exhaustive series of expeditions in search of the creature. Later in the program, they were joined by a pair of police officers with an amazing story of seeing Bigfoot up close while they were out on a four-wheeling trip.

These unforgettable programs have commercials and breaks removed and are presented in multiple-platforms-- available on-demand for Mac, Windows, IOS, and Android. Many of them feature rare "5th" hours of content from back in the 90s when the show had a longer running time. We do include Art's beloved bumper music, which became such an indelible part of his program.

And for the true Art Bell fan, we offer different listening options to fine-tune your experience, such as guest only, and full show streams. Coast Insiders, we're very happy to bring this new offering to you at no additional charge to your subscription! We welcome your feedback.

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