Art Bell Vault: Otherworldly Open Lines

Our newest feature for Coast Insiders, The Art Bell Vault, offers an expanding curated collection with two vintage shows added to the mix each Wednesday. This week, we showcase a pair of programs wherein Art opened up the phone lines for listeners with fantastic stories to tell. First, we journey back to 3/9/98, when he specifically invited any time travelers in the audience to call in to the show and, if they could, prove they were 'not from now.' What followed was an unforgettable evening of truly wild tales and dire warnings about a future yet to unfold.

Next, we highlight a program from August 25th, 1995, in which Art asked for any aliens who may be listening to the program to phone the show and reveal themselves to the world. Among the various alleged ETs that took him up on the offer were an alien claiming to be here on Earth to collect artifacts, an eleven-year-old caller who said that he was a hybrid, and a visitor from the stars residing 3,000 miles below the ground in a subterranean base.

These vintage programs have commercials and breaks removed and are presented in multiple-platforms-- available on-demand for Mac, Windows, IOS, and Android. Many of them feature rare "5th" hours of content from back in the 90s when the show had a longer running time. We do include Art's beloved bumper music, which became such an indelible part of his program.

And for the true Art Bell fan, we offer different listening options to fine-tune your experience, such as guest only, and full show streams. Coast Insiders, we're very happy to bring this new offering to you at no additional charge to your subscription! We welcome your feedback.

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