Art Bell Vault: Wildcard Line

We're excited to launch our newest feature for Coast Insiders: The Art Bell Vault. This ongoing curated collection features classic Art Bell programs. As part of our initial 20 shows launching the Art Bell Vault, we're showcasing five proverbial 'wildcard' episodes that are fondly remembered by fans of the show to this day thanks to guests who had seemingly come out of nowhere with some truly amazing stories. That includes a classic episode in which a 'Satan-loving witch' named Harlot held court and expressed unapologetic glee for all things evil. We've also unearthed a fun edition of Open Lines, dubbed 'Truth or Trash,' in which Art has callers share fantastic stories that may or may not be true with the goal of leaving listeners guessing as to whether or not the tale really took place.

Other unusual programs included in the collection are an episode where guest Efiong Sam claimed God lives on Earth as part of his lost tribe in Nigeria, an anonymous researcher who shared revelations from his investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing, and a self-described mercenary calling himself 'Gabriel,' who claimed to be someone who breaks people out of prisons around the world.

These riveting programs have commercials and breaks removed and are presented in multiple-platforms-- available on-demand for Mac, Windows, IOS, and Android. Many of them feature rare "5th" hours of content from back in the 90s when the show had a longer running time. We do include Art's beloved bumper music, which became such an indelible part of his program.

And for the true Art Bell fan, we offer different listening options to fine tune your experience, such as guest only, and full show streams. Two vintage shows will be added to the collection each week. Coast Insiders, we're very happy to bring this new offering to you at no additional charge to your subscription! We welcome your feedback.

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