Bartholomew Images 3/8/21

In tandem with his appearance on the 3/8/21 show, Paul Bartholomew shares related images. Pictured above: Paul is holding alleged Bigfoot castings from an outbreak in West Rutland, Vermont in 1985. The location is not far from Castleton, where Bartholomew studied under Dr. Warren L. Cook.

2) Eyewitness drawing by a motorist of a creature seen on August 7, 2018 stepping over a guardrail on Route 4, in Whitehall, NY.

3) A half-ton metal statue in Whitehall, NY dedicated to Sasquatch which has become a photo-op to many town visitors.

4) Bigfoot statue carved by Domingos Joaquim and donated to Whitehall, NY.

5) Jack Bergeron (then owner) pointing to concentric circles found in the dirt parking lot of the former Glen Lake, NY “La Cabana” restaurant in December 1973– during a major UFO flap. (Photograph was taken by the late Walter Grishkot and published on the front page of the Glens Falls “Post-Star.”)

6) The Skene Manor built in 1874 overlooks Whitehall and some claim to be haunted.

For more of Paul's images, visit this page.