'Bigfoot' Spotted on Google Earth

By Tim Binnall

A Google Earth image circulating online appears to show Bigfoot lurking in a Colorado forest, though it would seem that the curious anomaly is, sadly, probably not Sasquatch inadvertently captured via satellite. The peculiar oddity was first discovered a few years ago, though found new life earlier this week when it was shared on a Reddit forum devoted to the famed cryptid. The photo (which can be seen in greater detail on Google Earth here) is of a remote part of the Uncompahgre National Forest in the state of Colorado. Within that image is a curious shape that resembles a sizeable dark bipedal figure walking through an open area of land.

While the person who recently posted the image online conceded that the anomaly could be a bear, a "hiker without any gear," or even just a puddle, its eerie resemblance to the iconic depiction of Bigfoot led many to wonder if Google's satellite had somehow managed to spot Sasquatch. Alas, while this would truly be a fantastic development, further examination of the photo found that the 'cryptid' was most likely a small natural body of water since it appears in different forms in various satellite images over the years. Be that as it may, one imagines that the picture will continue to pop up online every few years as it gets rediscovered by astounded Bigfoot enthusiasts.