Canadian Town Shuts Down Creepy Clown

By Tim Binnall

In a bizarre bit of local bureaucracy, authorities in a Canadian community ordered the removal of a creepy clown display on a homeowner's property because it was scaring the public. The weird decision reportedly came from the bylaw supervisors in the British Columbia city of Penticton. The issue at hand was a mannequin of a bloody clown that had been sitting in the front yard of a resident's home and dubbed the 'Penticton Scarecrow.'

Following a complaint from an unsettled resident of the city, officials in Penticton met and decreed that they "have the right to order the removal of offensive matter considered to be objectionable to the public." Specifically, Penticton bylaw services supervisor Tina Siebert explained that "we had a public concern about an offensive clown statue at a private property residence."

She went on to say that "the scary clown had blood on its face and shirt and had been perceived as scary to children." Fortunately for those youngsters, the haunting harlequin is no more as the "very graphic clown" has since been removed from the property and a sense of peace can envelope the community once again.