'Crashed Saucer' Spotted on Mars

By Tim Binnall

An anomaly hunter scouring NASA images for strange and unusual objects on the surface of Mars spotted what appears to be a crashed flying saucer. The curious find was made by indefatigable UFO researcher Scott Waring as he was studying a photo of the Red Planet that was taken by the Curiosity Rover back in 2016. In the image, a peculiar circular shape can be seen partially buried by dust and protruding from the surface of the planet. The oddity, he contends, is "a UFO crash site" which Waring believes constitutes "proof that aliens on Mars had spacecraft."

Specifically, he notes that anomaly appears to consist of "a thin disk edge rising up to a thicker inner area and an upper hump that is not curved but made with straight lines." Waring also postulates that the possible flying saucer bears an uncanny resemblance to the vehicle that Bob Lazar allegedly saw at Area 51, suggesting that perhaps there is some connection between his story and the theoretical ancient technologically advanced denizens of the Red Planet.

Waring goes on to assert that he can "see windows in the Mars craft that I found," although that observation, much like the researcher's conclusion that the anomaly is a spacecraft, is open to one's own interpretation. To that end, skeptics will undoubtedly say that Waring did not discover a crashed flying saucer on the surface of Mars and, in fact, the 'UFO' is merely a product of pareidolia. With that in mind, what's your take on the weird shape? Share your theory with us at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.