'Face of Jesus' Spotted on Tree Trunk

By Tim Binnall

A British man chopping wood in his backyard could not believe his eyes when he noticed what appears to be the face of Jesus on one of the pieces of would-be kindling. John Dickson reportedly spotted the spiritual-looking anomaly after he had finished cutting up logs to be used for firewood and set about stacking the pieces. The man was soon stopped in his tracks when he picked one up and saw a rather familiar 'face' staring back at him.

"It totally freaked me out," Dickson recalled, noting that his brother was also present when the discovery occurred and he was also amazed by the eerie sight. Although not a religious person, Dickson still expressed some discomfort when it came to the prospect of using this particular piece of wood for a fire. "I'll never be able to burn it," he mused, "otherwise I'll burn in hell." Considering what the oddity might fetch on eBay, he might better off trying to sell the strange piece of wood anyway.