Haunted Bar for Sale in Indiana

By Tim Binnall

An Indiana bar that is said to be haunted by at least six ghosts has gone on the market and the realtor in charge of the listing has highlighted the site's haunted reputation as a selling point. According to a local media report, the establishment known as 'Breeze In' is located in the small town of Kempton and has been owned by sisters Cayenne Foutch and Tara Fleming for the last 22 years. The duo recently decided to put the pub up for sale, which led to a rather odd conversation with the commercial real estate agent that they enlisted to find a buyer. Initially thinking that the site was "just another bar," Abbie Stancato recalled that "I was about 45 minutes into my listing presentation when one of the owners said 'by the way, did you know the bar was haunted?!'"

As evidence for their stunning claim, the sisters produced a thick binder that was stuffed with pictures purportedly showing the various spirits that had been photographed in the bar over the last two decades. In total, the pair contend that at least six spirits call the bar home and Foutch indicated that they appear to be fairly comfortable interacting with patrons as she observed that "they like to play with your hair." As one might imagine, the revelation proved to be something of a quandary for Stancato as he was under no legal obligation to tell prospective buyers about the ghosts believed to be residing at the bar.

That said, the realtor reasoned that it was probably unwise to wait under a sale had been made before telling the new owners about the apparitions allegedly attached to the site since it would undoubtedly "freak them out." With that in mind, Stancato decided to embrace the possibly paranormal nature of the pub by boldly describing it as the "haunted bar of Kempton" and inserting amusing 'ghosts' into the online images of the establishment. While the creative listing wound up generating considerable attention, it has yet to yield any offers from brave buyers who might be interested in shelling out $250,000 for a bar that comes with six ghosts.