Illinois Woman Reports Seeing Weird Winged Creature with Human Face & Glowing Eyes

By Tim Binnall

An Illinois woman claims to have encountered a mysterious winged creature that sported a human face with glowing eyes. The unnamed witness conveyed the unsettling account to friend John J Dunphy, who detailed her story in the Edwardsville Intelligencer newspaper late last week. Stressing that "this column isn't a prank," he indicated that the witness is "not delusional" and that she was perfectly sober when the eerie encounter recently took place at around 1 AM while she was walking her dog in the city of Alton. According to Dunphy, the woman was understandably unsettled when she and her pet pooch suddenly came upon a creature that was "tall, dark, and large."

The witness went on to say the oddity "had a human face, which was white in color," while also sporting glowing eyes and "long black wings," that it used to fly away from the scene. The woman observed that she was not the only one to see the strange creature as her dog had actually growled at it. Curious as to what his friend might have seen, Dunphy posted her account on social media and some people suggested that the creature could have been supernatural in nature, such as the infamous Mothman or perhaps a ghost, while more skeptical individuals argued that it was likely just a barn owl. So far, what exactly the woman encountered remains a mystery and the unnerved witness told Dunphy that she is "now very reluctant to walk her dog in the evening."